QolorFLEX 2×2.5A 2.4Ghz Multiverse Dimmer

51.484 kr.

Small, constant voltage, two-output dimmer designed to be mounted in small spaces such as props, costumes, wands, and candles..







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QolorFLEX® 2×2.5A Multiverse® Dimmer P/Ns 5916: QolorFLEX 2×2.5A Multiverse Dimmers are small,
constant voltage, two-output dimmer designed to be mounted in small spaces such as props,
costumes, wands, and candles.
They can be controlled wirelessly using City Theatrical’s Multiverse or SHoW DMX Neo wireless DMX/RDM technology, or with wired DMX.

Similar to City Theatrical’s QolorFLEX 5×2.5A Multiverse Dimmers,
these dimmers provide 20-bit PWM resolution and 8-bit or 16-bit control for extremely smooth dimming at the low end of the dimming curve.
Configuration is performed using RDM, such as with a City Theatrical DMXcat®, or with City Theatrical’s USB Configuration program for PC/MAC

A plastic case is included with the QolorFLEX 2×2.5A Multiverse Dimmer to allow easy mounting to scenery while enabling removal of the dimmer from the case for wiring and configuration.
These dimmers are designed and built in the USA by City Theatrical,

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