Studio Electrol – 16:10 441″ 950x594cm – veggfest rafdrifið – Matte White
4.356.286 kr.
The Studio Electrol is for large screen applications including auditoriums, stages and arenas, and features a borderless screen surface that is centered in the screen housing.
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Vöruflokkar: Mynd, Sýningartjöld
Einnig fáanlegt í mörgum öðrum stærðum og hlutföllum. Hafið samband fyrir nánari upplýsingar og verð.
Key Features
- Aluminum case with gray finish (black or white available at additional charge)
- Models sold in the US will have a Radio frequency remote control
- Models sold in EMEA will be supplied with a standard motor and wall switch
- Adjustable mounting brackets for ceiling installation standard
- Adjustable mounting brackets for wall installation can be substituted for ceiling brackets and must be requested at time of order
- Surfaces include Matte White and Perforated Matte White
- Borderless screen surface
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Aðrar vörur
LED útiskjáir
Detachable HDMI Active Optical Type D-D with Adapter 50m
53.786 kr.
Optical HDMI, 25m Armored
46.192 kr.
USB 3.0 & 2.0 Active Optical Cable A Male to A Female 10m
46.192 kr.
USB 3.0 & 2.0 Active Optical Cable A Male to A Female 30m
56.317 kr.