HomeScreen Deluxe – 16:9 203″ 450x253cm – veggfest fast – Parallax Stratos 1.0
720.249 kr.
The HomeScreen Deluxe is a fixed frame screen with black velvet frame as well as the latest technology in projection surfaces designed for 4K and Ultra HD to maximize the technology of your projector
Framleiðandi |
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Vöruflokkar: Mynd, Sýningartjöld
Einnig fáanlegt í mörgum öðrum stærðum og hlutföllum. Hafið samband fyrir nánari upplýsingar og verð.
Key Features
- Luxurious, high quality fixed frame screen with a black velvet frame finish and a wide selection of screen surfaces.
- The flat aluminium frame for the HomeScreen Deluxe has a black velvet cover, which eliminates reflection and serves to absorb projected light.
- The frame (8 cm wide and 3 cm deep) features a beveled edge, reducing shadowing in the viewing area.
- The projection screen surface is attached to the rear of the screen with Velcro®.
- The frame and projection screen surface can be custom made to project requirements.
- The projection surface is exceptionally flat, making it suitable for all types of data and video projection.
- The frame is easy to mount with the supplied mounting brackets.
Nánari upplýsingar á heimasíðu framleiðanda
(Ath. það er villa á heimasíðunni. Skv. vörulista þá er þetta vörunúmer fyrir 16:9 tjald.)
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Aðrar vörur
Optical HDMI, 25m Armored
46.192 kr.
USB 3.0 & 2.0 Active Optical Cable A Male to A Female 30m
56.317 kr.
USB 3.0 & 2.0 Active Optical Cable A Male to A Female 50m
66.442 kr.