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Encore Power Supply - 1Ch, 0.4 Amp
114.712 kr.
Encore 800 Main Station – 2Ch, Power supply 1.2 Amp, 1RU
505.119 kr.
DNV-GL Registered.
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Vöruflokkar: Hljóð, Intercom og hlustunarbúnaður
2-Channel 1RU Main Station with built-in Speaker
- Supports up to 55 beltpacks or 10 speaker stations on two channels
- IP-20 environmental rating
- Asbestos-free in accordance with SOLAS Regulation II-I/3-5.2
- Marine Certification compliant with DNVGL-CG-0339 (2016)
- Separate short-circuit protection for each channel
- Program feed to both channels, with selectable Program Interrupt (IFB)
- Remote Mic Kill
- Announce output with relay
- Visual and audible Tone Alert signaling
- Built-in speaker
- Universal voltage power supply
The MS-802-IM is a 1RU two-channel main station with programmable front panel buttons, individual channel short-circuit protection, individual channel volume control, and a regulated fail-safe power supply. The MS-802-IM supports up to 55 beltpacks or 10 speaker stations.
Note: Access the Encore Power Supply Calculator to estimate power requirements for analog partyline systems.
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