Core 8 Flex Q-SYS Network and Analog I/O Processor

In addition to its 64 x 64 network I/O capacity, the Core 8 Flex offers eight on-board Flex channels and eight GPIO on-ramps to integrate analog au













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The Core 8 Flex audio, video and control (AV&C) processor extends the applications of the Q-SYS Platform into a wider range of smaller-scale installations across corporate, higher education, healthcare and beyond. Built on the same foundational technologies and driven by the same Q-SYS OS as the rest of the Q-SYS processor portfolio, including the best-in-class Q-SYS Core 110f, Core 8 Flex is designed for applications with lower network or analog channel capacity and/or targeted processing requirements.

Features & Benefits

  • 64 x 64 networked audio channels (Q-LAN / AES67)
  • 8x on-board Flex channels and GPIO
  • 8x AEC processors
  • up to 32 x 32 Dante audio channels (8 x 8 included)
  • USB AV bridging (8 x 8 audio + Q-SYS camera support)
  • Full-featured Q-SYS Control engine (with optional feature license)
  • External USB audio device host
  • Up to 2x VoIP instances
  • 1U half-width, includes mounting hardware

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