Truss Carrier Single Rubber Stud for Tube 15×30

A single rubber stud that will allow you to customize your own truss carrier, with dimensions fit for any truss you’d like to


Vörunr. ADM-TRCA01 Vöruflokkar: , Tag:


Our truss carriers are a favourite for transporting and stacking 30- and 40- truss without running the risk of damaging or scratching it. We’re now expanding this range with a single rubber stud that will allow you to customize your own truss carrier, with dimensions fit for any truss you’d like to transport. Simply determine the right measurements for your truss and secure the single rubber studs on an aluminium inner tube in the correct positions.

  1. Determine the right dimensions for your truss
  2. Saw the aluminium tube in the right size
  3. Remove the sharp edges
  4. Determine the placement of the rubber studs
  5. Drill holes in the aluminium tube at the determined points
  6. Slide the rubber studs on the tube
  7. Secure the rubbers studs on the tube with rivets
  8. Stack and transport your truss with your customized truss carrier


  • Colour: Black
  • For truss: All truss
  • Material: Rubber
  • Weight: 0,06 kg

Online Drawing.pdf

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