Time Spin w/Blue Pill Inside

507.160 kr.

Stýriborð sérstaklega hannað fyrir replay





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Vörunr. SKA-TIME-SPIN-V1B Vöruflokkar: , Tag:


Say that again. Yes sir, a replay controller with speed control and IP connectivity.

The Time Spin w/Blue Pill Inside interfaces with modern replay solutions such as m:replay from Softron and the built-in engine in vMix.

This product comes with Blue Pill Inside. Blue Pill Inside means that the hardware of a Blue Pill is moved into your controller instead of combining a stand-alone Blue Pill with a UniSketch panel. The net result is the same, but with some twists: The advantage of Blue Pill Inside is that at the same cost you have everything in one unit – but you can’t enjoy the features from UniSketch anymore.

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