Follow Spot Yoke for Source Four Series 3 LED
187.675 kr.
DMX Iris for Source Four
156.689 kr.
Source Four Iris
26.116 kr.
Simple way of changing the beam size of a fixed focus ellipsoidal reflector spotlight
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Vöruflokkar: Aukahlutir f. ljós, Ljós
City Theatrical Drop-In Iris is the simple way of changing the beam size of a fixed focus ellipsoidal reflector spotlight. Just drop in an Iris, adjust the handle to change the beam size from fully open to nearly fully closed. We have Irises to fit a variety of popular lighting fixtures.
Til á allskyns önnur ljós, sjá nánar á heimasíðu framleiðanda.
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Fyrirspurn um vöru
Aðrar vörur
24V 480W Powersupply
33.886 kr.
5m COB LED borði 24V 6000K IP20
20.914 kr.
5m LED borði 24V 2100K IP20
20.032 kr.
5m LED borði 24V 2400/6000K IP20
13.117 kr.