Manual Hoist PHE1 1T 10m

79.687 kr.

Handknúin keðjutalía, 1000 Kg, 10 metrar.




1 tonn

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Vörunr. ELL-RITAH1P10 Vöruflokkar: ,


A completely new line of economy hand chain hoists, the PHE1, without OLP. Solid and robust for when you need it quick and easy. PHE1 hoists are good quality hoists for a competitive price in workloads 0,5 t and 1 t.

  • Black
  • European Grade 80 tempered black load chain according to EN-818-7
  • Galvanized hand chain
  • Good value for money
  • Chain length 9,5 m

Optional features:

Chain bag.
Other lifting heights available upon request.

Online Datasheet.pdf

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