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3.288 kr.
One – Compact Public Address and Voice Alarm System – EN54 Certified
Tilkynningar og brunaboða hljóðkerfi fyrir minni byggingar.
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Vöruflokkar: Annar hljóðbúnaður, Hljóð
LDA ONE tilkynningar og brunaboða hljóðkerfi – EN54 vottað og framleitt í evrópu
ONE PA/VA EN 54-16 EN 54-4
- ONE is a complete PA system and voice evacuation, with EN 54-4 battery charger integrated in a single device.
- It has an innovative Wall & Rack design that allows it to be mounted on both the wall and the rack, according to the needs of each project.
- The ONE system is very easy to install and configure, without the need for external applications, and integrates perfectly with third-party technologies.
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1.318 kr.