Neo – Advanced IP-Based Public Address and Voice Alarm System – EN54 Certified
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Vöruflokkar: Annar hljóðbúnaður, Hljóð
LDA NEO tilkynningar og brunaboða hljóðkerfi – EN54 vottað og framleitt í evrópu
NEO PA/VA EN 54-16
- The EN 54-16 public address and voice alarm system LDA NEO is a compact, all-in-one, cost-effective unit. Its plug-and-play philosophy reduces time and costs as it makes very simple the installation, maintenance, and operation of the system.
- NEO represents cutting-edge technology in EN 54 PA/VA systems and uses innovations that ensure its viability in the present and in the future. NEO is the first EN 54-16 certified system to be manufactured in Spain, setting the precedent for others to follow.
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1.318 kr.