LAN temperature sensor with relay output and signal input with PoE

Expert Sensor Box 7214 for more security and surveillance in IT infrastructure..







Vörunr. GUD-721411 Vöruflokkar: , Tag:


  • Demonstrably fewer and shorter outages of your critical IT and AV infrastructure
  • More control through remote access to switchable relay outputs
  • Detect AV and IT problems at an early stage: Proactive power and environment monitoring
  • Integrate anywhere: Quickly and easily integrate anywhere with API interface: REST API, https, SNMP, Telnet and MQTT
  • Protection against physical hazards with connected smoke detectors, leakage sensors and door contacts
Order code
  • 7214-1: Temperature sensor
  • 7214-2: Temperature and humidity sensor
  • 7214-3: Temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor
  • 7214-11: Temperature sensor, PoE
  • 7214-12: Temperature and humidity sensor, PoE
  • 7214-13: Temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor, PoE

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